Week by week readings
Jan. 25 2 surveys (at least browse through these): Lasnik and Funakoshi (2019) "Ellipsis in Transformational Grammar"; Craenenbroeck and Merchant (2013) "Ellipsis Phenomena".
Pages from Aspects about ellipsis (esp. recoverability)
THE classic paper on ellipsis:
Ross (1969) "Guess Who" Here are some notes on Guess Who that I made for myself that you might find helpful.
Jan. 25 notes
Feb. 1 Ross (1969) "Guess Who"; HL notes on Guess Who; early debate about Ross's proposal on amelioration of island violations by Sluicing. Merchant (1999) Ch. 3, which outlines some of the island amelioration effects, and, even more importantly, extends some of Ross's arguments for a movement+deletion approach to Sluicing.
Here's my handout from the Guess Who 50th anniversary workshop
<<Links to some of the things that came up in Feb. 1 discussion, in case you want to explore them further:
Klima (1964) (about who-whom); Lasnik and Sobin (2000) (on who-whom); Grimshaw (1979) (on need for subcategorization in addition to s-selection); Pesetsky (1982, Chapter 1 (reply to Grimshaw); Chomsky and Lasnik (1993, pp. 516-517) (on Grimshaw-Pesetsky debate); Baker (1970) (on Q-morpheme, concealed questions, etc.)>>
Feb. 8 Continue Feb. 1 readings. Add Merchant (1999) pp. 145-171 (arguing against a short copular source for all sluices). Almeida&Yoshida 2007 (Brazilian Portuguese as a problem for Merchant's P-stranding generalization)
<<If you are interested, here is one of the earliest 'interpretive' accounts (i.e., LF copying) of anaphora: Excerpt from Jackendoff 1972.>>
Feb. 15 Continue preceding weeks' readings. On Swiping, see Kim 1997 diss. pp.134-142. <The thesis and book I was trying to remember is Craenenbroeck, Jeroen van "Ellipsis in Dutch dialects" 2004. Lots of interesting discussion and analysis of Swiping in English and Dutch>
<Some more things that came up during the discussion: Lebeaux on reconstruction: ms. of "Where does the Binding Theory apply?"; Lasnik 1998 (questioning the standard Cond. C reconstruction paradigm); Hornstein, Lasnik, Uriagereka 2003/2007 (On the PF nature of some islands; we will return to this issue later)
Feb. 22 Leftover stuff from previous weeks, especially: Merchant (1999) pp. 145-171 (arguing against a short copular source for all sluices); Almeida&Yoshida 2007 (Brazilian Portuguese as a problem for Merchant's P-stranding generalization); my review of Merchant's book; Kim 1997 diss. pp.134-142 (one of the first accounts of Swiping); my handout from the Guess Who 50th anniversary workshop (a lot of discussion of the identity requirement for ellipsis); for lots more on identity see Oku 1998 diss., esp. Ch. 4 [For some reason or other, the Oku works better in a browser than in Acrobat.]
March 1 As usual, lots of left over stuff from previous weeks: Almeida&Yoshida 2007 (Brazilian Portuguese as a problem for Merchant's P-stranding generalization); my review of Merchant's book; Kim 1997 diss. pp.134-142 (one of the first accounts of Swiping); my handout from the Guess Who 50th anniversary workshop (a lot of discussion of the identity requirement for ellipsis); for lots more on identity see Oku 1998 diss., esp. Ch. 4.
HO1 on WH-Quantifier Interactions; HO2 on WH-Quantifier Interactions (ultimately these HOs provide more evidence that wh-trace is an indefinite)
<Keep chcking here; I'll be adding some more stuff. And take advantage of the new Discussion page (linked above).>
<<Some things that came up March 1:
Merchant 2013 Voice and Ellipsis (on active-passive mismatches); Fox&Lasnik 2003 (on Sluicing vs. VP ellipsis with respect to island repair); Fox&Pesetsky 2003 (on linearization forcing successive cyclic movement); Uriagereka 1999 Multiple Spell Out; Lasnik 1995 Verbal Morphology (has discussion of why finite forms of 'be' can't antecede bare form)>>
March 8 Guest lecture! UMD grad Gesoel Mendes talking about Salvation by Deletion in Nupe. Here is Gesoel's handout.
<<Some things that came up March 8: Mendes thesis; Aoun, Choueiri, Hornstein on Lebanese Arabic resumptive pronouns; Perlmutter 1971 discussion of repair of Comp-trace violations>>
March 15 As usual, continue left over stuff from previous weeks. And (time permitting) satrt on N'/NP ellipsis. Here are some major writing on the topic: Saito&Murasugi1990; Lobeck1990; Lobeck1993; Lobeck1995
Notes on Saito&Murasugi 1990
Notes on Lobeck 1990
<Some background, cited by Saito&Murasugi: Jackendoff 1971>
<<Some things that came up March 15: Grano&Lasnik 2018 (on bound subject obviating some clause-mate restrictions);
For some discussion of the divergent behavior of auxiliary and main verbs with respect to VP ellipsis in English:
Lasnik 1995 Verbal Morphology
2 replies to the above: Potsdam 1997; Roberts 1998
My counter reply: Lasnik 1997
We will return to this topic and these readings
April 5.>>
March 22 No class. Have a nice spring break!
Start thinking about your presentation topic and paper topic. Give me a one page paper proposal by March 30.
March 29 Guest lecture! UMD grad Rodrigo Ranero. Recommended background reading: Saab 2016.
<<Some things that came up: Ranero thesis; Merchant 2013 (on voice and ellipsis); Merchant 2019 (good overview of issues on ellipis; p.14 for synonym argument); Chung 2006; LSLT, p.423 (on need for identity outside of the ellipsis site); Merchant 2015 (on code switching and ellipsis)>>
April 5
We'll continue our discussion of N'-deletion. Saito&Murasugi1990; Lobeck1990; Lobeck1993; Lobeck1995
Notes on Saito&Murasugi 1990
Notes on Lobeck 1990
<Some background, cited by Saito&Murasugi: Jackendoff 1971>
Martin 2001, esp. Sect. 4.2 Agreeing Functional Categories and VP-Ellipsis
Notes on Martin 2001
<Some things that came up: Rizzi 1982 (on restructuring); Grano&Lasnik 2018 (on bound subject making a clause permeable); Lasnik 1995 on pseudogapping; Lasnik 2014 on multiple sluicing>
April 12 We'll continue to continue our discussion of N'-deletion and ellipsus licensing
Lobeck1990; Lobeck1993; Lobeck1995
Notes on Lobeck 1990
Martin 2001, esp. Sect. 4.2 Agreeing Functional Categories and VP-Ellipsis
Notes on Martin 2001
Then more on Gapping: Jackendoff 1971; Notes on Jackendoff 1971; Ross 1970 Gapping and the Order of Consituents; Notes on Ross 1970; Pesetsky 1982 thesis, pp.642-659
<Martins 1994 (on VP-deletion licensing); Johnson 2001 (on deletion requiring movement)>
April 19 Gapping: Jackendoff 1971; Notes on Jackendoff 1971; Ross 1970 Gapping and the Order of Consituents; Notes on Ross 1970; Sag 1976 thesis, Chapter 3; Pesetsky 1982 thesis, pp.642-659; Hankamer 1973 Unacceptable Ambiguity; Sag 1976 notes, Part 1; Sag 1976 notes, Part 2
<This came up today: Lasnik 1995 A Note on Pseudogapping>
<For Sag's full analysis of Gapping, see
his thesis, pp. 260-295; for Pesetsky's, see his thesis pp. 642-659.>
April 26 Sluicing. To refresh your memory take another fast look at THE classic paper on ellipsis, and especially Sluicing:
Ross (1969) "Guess Who" Here are some notes on Guess Who; Scan Merchant (1999) Ch. 3 again; Lasnik (2001) Sections 3 and 4; HO on Lasnik (2001); HO on P-stranding (and why violations can't be repaired); HO on island repair
<See Fox and Lasnik 2003 for a potential solution to the problem that Lasnik 2001 ends with.>
<Drummond, Hornstein, Lasnik 2010 (on P-stranding and rightwards movement); Boeckx&Lasnik 2006 "Intervention and Repair"; Lasnik 2001 "Derivation and Representation">
May 3 Continue discussion of repair by ellipsis. HO on island repair p.11-; Fox and Lasnik 2003, HO on Fox&Lasnik; Lasnik (2001), HO on Lasnik (2001) Sections 1 and 2; Lasnik&Park 2003 "The EPP and the Subject Condition under Sluicing", HO on EPP (and repair?); HO on Surprising Cases of Repair and Non-repair by Ellipsis; ; Case Filter repair HO
May 10 Student presentations
<Some things that came up: 2 papers on failure of resumptives to repair islands:
Alexopoulou&Keller 2007, Heestand et al. 2011; Kennedy&Lidz 2001 (on a covert longdistance anaphor in English); Wang 2008 (Sluicing and resumption); Lasnik 1999 (on formal and functional approaches to islands); Lasnik 2014 (Multiple Sluicing in English?); Huang 1982 MIT Diss.
May 16 Paper due (submit pdf by e-mail.) Assignment
Tuesday 2:00-5:00
1108B MMH
1106 Marie Mount Hall
<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
(301) 405-4929
Office hours:
Most Monday afternoons
Most Tuesday mornings
Subject matter:
-The nature of ellipsis: PF deletion or LF copying or WYSIWYG?
-The proper formulation of the 'identity' requirement: semantic, formal, some
-'Licensing' of ellipsis
-Antecedent Contained Deletion
-Repair by ellipsis: Does it exist? If so, what kinds of violations can/can't be repaired by ellipsis?
And implications for the architecture of the grammar.
-'Headless XP ellipsis' (where the head of XP has moved out) - Is it possible? If not, why not?
We will look at some of the older literature on these questions (e.g., Ross
on Sluicing, Sag's thesis, May's book) and, of course, more recent stuff,
by Merchant, by me, and by others.
More info to follow.